Beauty lies in the seer’s eyes. Going on the same thought I like to say the incident that might change the way we see or think….
It was a pleasant evening. A saint was walking around the village and when he came across a riverside the scene took him aback.
He saw a boy carrying a girl back of him and he used stop a while place the girl on the ground and used to press her legs against his hands
The saint felt awkward seeing this. The boy had something mud pots like tied around his waist. He used to drink something from that and used to move ahead carrying the girl. The saint took it be the alcohol (as usually they are served in mud pots). The saint really felt disgusting to see this n went around to call the village heads .he got people together n complained against the boy and his acts. Suddenly the group of children’s crossing the river was got caught in the currents of water and were getting drouned.the boy who saw this ran to help them and brought them to banks safely. People who saw him helping also saw what the saint told them and were confused, they went towards him.
Some people scolded too badly and some went to beat him than they asked why was he doing like that. The boy than replied that
He was carrying his sister to the hospital. She had partial loss of sense in her legs due to paralysis and they were paining, so he used to place her on the ground and press her legs to lessen the pain .as they were poor n was attacked by disease no one came forward to provide vehicle to move to hospital. So I carried her. I was drinking water and nothing else. Thinking of not getting water by the people I carried it from my home to have in my journey. The people felt bad hearing this especially the saint. Being the saint he had no good vision
towards them.
Just like a saint people may be good enough from outside or have a good looks on them but all it matters is the inner thoughts, pure hearts, the clean thoughts. What you see is personally what is within you and what is you. Let your thoughts be cleaned and filled with happiness. As the saying goes “Your soul is dyed by the color of your thoughts”.s.