Tuesday, October 6, 2009
P.T.Usha humiliated.
P.T.Usha was humiliated in Bhopal. She was deceived from accommodation when she was there for the sports meet. None of the officials cared for the great athlete. It was so hurting to see the athlete weeping . Such a humiliation????? For such a great athlete who once raised our Indian flag in common wealth games. If there was any politicians or film stars would this happen??. They would have created an unbearable condition.
The sports person are the one who strive hard, dedicate themselves leaving behind all their problems to bring name for our country & making the millions of Indians proud. The officials have said there was miss communication or was it the negligence.???? This is not the way they treat her or any sports person. Thou they sports officials have appolised. It has left hurt feelings behind. What vijendera said was right there should be some laws or rules to punish for the people who humiliate sports person. Wish this never repeats or happens to any sports person.
Believe it or not this is a miracle. Well I will start with a story of a man .A guy who suddenly developed death fear in him struggled to overcome it. His life became desperate. finally he decides .To commit suicide. On the way he sees people standing in queue for the glance of a man. he just takes a chance n when finally he sees the man .the man asks him what he needs & thus guy in desperate asks to grant him the writing talent(his dream was to be a writer). The man says ur wish is granted & from then onwards he feels the immense pleasure or power developing within him .Now he has started writing books having Volume to lakhs. The books he wrote are very rare subject not only subject, you even wont get those books anywhere. His talent amazes the researchers in this field because this is not easy.
His knowledge in Sanskrit (in which he is writing books) was never before in his life. The book subjects are like to overcome death or win death, origin of earth & end of earth etc etc, he says
He gets this power as he closes his eyes n goes on writing. In this way the man he met blesses him with such an talent & also cured others. This man is none other than the miracle man called as
Appaji (mean father). Will say you some of the miracles he did – he once faced a situation where a man asked to bring his dead baby alive. and within 5 min the baby was alive, trust me this is
Not a gossip. He helped people to meet their loved ones who are dead throu his powers by just closing their eyes. They have spoken to them. he has cured many diseases n many problems.you may unbelief this but itz a fact.
He has a diamond typed crystal, which is full of power. This crystal emits light under the influence of the power of appaji. Many have tested this n found to be great thing. their is no science involved or any led’s
That exists within it, itz crystal clear. According to appaji this world (kalyug as in Hindu mythology) is coming to an end. When the person on earth gives life to the dead grass & lights the oilless & thread less lamp .that day world will come to an end. According to him the symptoms of earth end are like floods, scarcity, tsunamis, earthquake etc.
Appaji has immense power in them. If you want to contact this miracle man –appaji her is the address n telephone no,
Appaji gurugalu,
Sannegowdra colony,
Darga road,
Hunnsur taluk,
Contact details: 96324 00193, 98457 91787, 98448 4016
Why such floods happen?????
The flood in north Karnataka n Andhra pradesh has left people in un living condition. Seeing those scenes any one’s heart will get trembled.
The life of the people is in worse condition. It is hard to say how worst the condition was. Those children who were fighting for the food, searching for drinking water. The cry of those people who lost there closed one’s. It was a shuteye scene to see those dead bodies floating,
N some bodies struck here n there to walls, fence for the water current. 13 districts wear completely flooded. In each district nearly 200 people
Died, 150 animals died, 25,000 acres of agricultural land was destructed, 30crores of loss had happened. The people really didn’t hope for such a nightmare in mantralaya, where the devotes faced n escaped form the death mouth.
Relief fund is been released n many helping hands reached them.the police force n military people r doing gr8 job.many people lend their help, from small gal to a big entrepreneur.from small amount to crores.thanks for all those hearts. Even in such a condition is their a need for politics here?? Am not hear to speak for or against any party but these people are sicking. Instead of joining hands for help they just …ha leave but y such floods happen where poor people die n face such a tragic life.????any one who wish plz help them or at least pray it makes a lot of difference.
Sonu nigam’s new Kannada album neene neene:
you can dowmload these songs in http://www.123musiq.com/NeeneBariNeene-SonuNigam.html
What does your DREAM say???

DREAMS the most beautiful part of our sleep, ha sometimes not to. Dreams are the most inspiring one’s in our life’s. We see many things in our
Dreams. From day to day things which we saw or imagined n sometimes some unusual things. Do you ever think that they mean or say something? Really sometimes you might have dreamt or saw unusual things in your dream or common things too. All the elements have their own significance, they have their own meanings. They say something about what future lies for us or any situations coming on us. This is really interesting. Check out what your dreams say you..
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Indian spiderman
Raju is basically from tamil nadu and due to some reasons he came to chitradurga.
Raju Story:
He had a dreams of climbing a rock mountain and feeling like falling from mountain and some times big stones falling at him. This dreams was started come when he was at 8 years old and this dream was encouraging him to suicide . He attempted for suicide many times.
He came to chitradurga and working for one of the sweet company. Every night same dream was killing him and not able sleep properly and day by day he became mentally ill. Because of this he fed up with his life and again decided to suicide, but now from a rock mountain which he found in Chitradurga fort.
He went to Chitradurga fort , started to climb on 300 meters may be more no humans climbed that mountain in the histroy . This man climbed it just for suicide . When he reached middle of the rock mountain he thought this is not a good place to suicide and he started to climb some more height. After all he reached top of the rock mountain. He suppose to jump , some people around 50 started to claps and they were in joy . After seeing it and he realise how come i climbed this difficult rock mountain and realise that he had some power. He came back and visited "Ekanatheswari Temple" inside the Chitradurga Fort.
Throu Sri. Ramachandra Guruji we came to know that he was monkey in his past life.he has an unbelievable talent .He now resides in chitradurga district,karnataka.
This man did many good thinks like removing honey comb from a complicated building and brought back a dead body which was struck in Jog falls and many more.
liitle champs
30 of this October there will be a grand finale of this show near India gate, Delhi. This show has received the no 1 position in reality shows with highest TRP. Thanks to Alka yagnik & Abhijeet da for such a talent hunt. They have done a wonderful job.this great singers n judges of the show are really cute in giving comments or making kids understand there problem without hurting them. This shows airs on Fri. & sat from 9:30. I wish all those kids have a great future & God bless them in all Ways.

Umm….. Coming to the kids firstly I would love to say about yatharth aka banras ki Romeo. He is a fantabalous singer for all types of songs like soft, hip hop..Etc.

Shreyasi a talented singer with good voice & lungpower. Her breathless songs are mind blowing.

Swarit probably the youngest among them is a talented kid. He is superb in giving notations .To a any song within that moment. Which is difficult to do so coz d well handed ones in giving notations are @ the age of 50’s i.e. it takes such a time.

Abhigyan das a singer with full feelings.Always with a pleasant smile.

Prateeksha a very good singer. Her voice is really sweet.

Hemanth brijwasi an excellent singer with strong voice.

These kids are amazing juz like d saying in Kannada “murthi chickadadru keerthi dooadhu” which means though they look small the talent in them is the brightest n biggest.
I thank all the musicians working there for their Excellency n all other workers of zee TV. for more details log on to
Sunday, September 20, 2009

A guy lost his girlfriend in a train accident....
but the gal's name nowhere appeared in the dead list. This guy grew up n became IT technical architect in his late 20?s, achievement in itself!!
He hired developers from the whole globe and plan to make a software where he could search for his gf through the web..
Things went as planned...
n he found her, after losing millions of dollars and 3 long years!!
It was time to shut down the search operation, when the CEO of Google had a
word with this guy n took over this application,
This Software made a whopping 1 billion dollars profit in its first year,
which we today know as ORKUT.
The guy's name is ORKUT BUYUKKOTEN Yes its named after him only. Today he is paid a hefty sum by Google for the things we do like scrapping. He is expected to b the richest person by 2009..
ORKUT BUYUKKOTEN today has 13 assistants to monitor his scrapbook & 8 to
monitor his friends-list. He gets around 20,000 friend-requests a day & about 85,000 scraps!!!
Some other Cool Facts about this guy:
* He gets $12 from Google when every person registers to this website.
* He also gets $10 when you add somebody as a friend.
* He gets $8 when your friend's friend adds you as a friend & gets $6 if
anybody adds you as friend in the resulting chain.
* He gets $5 when you scrap somebody & $4 when somebody scraps you.
* He also gets $200 for each photograph you upload on Orkut.
* He gets $2.5 when you add your friend in the crush-list or in the hot-list.
* He gets $2 when you become somebody's fan.
* He gets $1.5 when somebody else becomes your fan.
* He even gets $1 every time you logout of Orkut.
* He gets $0.5 every time you just change your profile-photograph.
* He also gets $0.5 every time you read your friend's scrap-book & $0.5 every time
you view your friend's friend-list.
' WOW!!

Friday, September 18, 2009
A loser’s day.

Life is a mixture of success & failures, love& hate,,etc.Losing anything you wish always gives you pain. Lose/failure/hate are such words which bring unhappy in our life.

In everyone’s life or in most of our life this phase has or had its space. Some overcome & some not. repeated failures, late success, love loss
Etc. itz true when ur a loser u even lose many things with it. No one likes to be losers parent, friend..etc.in spite of losing u gain something
That’s true & real. Feels like a hardship, a cloud without silver lining.

In spite of all this I only wish to say never give up hope in your life. Hope has miracles & your life is the most precious. Even there is a saying
“if you fall seven times, stand up at eight” & I wish to say “ losing everything never makes you a loser but losing hope within yourself makes you a loser”.
You may lose everything
But never lose ‘hope’.
Time may be harsh, but
It never remains the same
Cause time evades &
You will be what you wanted to be.

It is easy to say &
Hard to go throu, yet
Never give up coz one day
You will be something what you
Wanted to be.
Life might have ditched you
You might have felt sick
But itz only today, & past
Not the future.
You might have lost lover/love
But don’t lose life in love
You might have failed, failed & failed
But remember success is only
for those who never give up.
You might not be proud
of yourself but remember one day
you will be, unless you never
gave up hope In you.
When darkness swallows life,
Life falls into an unknown depth.

Cries go unheard.
Feelings go incensed,
Sympathy goes overflowed
& Life becomes miserable
Yet a ray of hope within you
Can change your life. SO NEVER GIVE UP…..
The Love Lost in Mumbai.

I stood in front of graveyard
With filled eyes, whetted cheeks
& Shattered dreamz, with no
Hope of getting back the love of my life.
My love, the soul of my life
Was no more, Leaving me
Behind with those unfulfilled
Promises & dreamz.
My life now fails to move
Forward & ur memories fail
To say dat ur no more.
I have lost within u so much that
U exists within me completely.
I cried for u so is that many
Cried for their loves.
Happier lives were no longer the same.
After the terrorist attack, I lost u,
Many lost their lives, love.
Only misery was with us.
Leaving behind those
Memories, unfulfilled promises
The feel that ur no more
Are just unbearable to feel.
Dreams shattered, life’s shattered
Seeing my love in the pool of blood
All screams were unheard, all
Things went unseen, only
You filled my eyes.
Man killed man,
Terrorist attack not only
Killed you but Part of
my life, someone’s hope,shelter.etc.
For a moment my life was gone
Leaving behind unseen & unheard of U.
I cried for my situation, that
Am not ready to accept ur no more.
The wind blowing over me with
Those wild flower scent has ur presence &
The cranky sound of tree making feel the
Graveyard yet I felt u beside me
& I shouted ur name & u simply smiled..
This poem is dedicated to all those live’s n all people who lost their family. Hope god hears my prayer n give justice to the needed, I feel sad to say that still those un repentful demons are alive.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Love Has Hope, Hatred Is Hopeless.
Becoming good from bad.,,, etc
There is a thin line between love and hate, itz a subject we all can aggressively debate. The thin line is what separates good and bad, hope & hopeless, creation & destruction. As the saying goes
“Being loved is the best thing in the life…”its obviously true coz it has its own value in everyone’s life. it makes man complete. No one on earth likes to be hated. There is a thin line between love & hate
Similarly between you being loved & hated this makes lot of difference in one’s life. Where former gives hope, spirit & joy, whereas lateral gives hatred ness, unconditional for living.
Love is worth millions in one’s life. It is a word with thousands of emotions. Love cannot be expressed in hours of speech, number of pages. Itz a depth you feel & vast you experience, always fresh & new. From past history to coming decades love has hope of life.
We go through life refusing to see. Being happy in love, what else could then be??? When you find that love, will u know what to do??? Being loved is such a great feeling in life just like heaven, you feel light hearted, all happiness on your way and you are under god’s care. When you’re being loved by your parents, your companions, friends. You feel great but being hated you can’t even think about it.
There are many forms of love. Some are powerful & demand attention while others are more subtle & just below the surface. In recent years love has drifted from this subtle levels to the more noticeable
Ones, namely passion. In my opinion our society downplays the real necessity for genuine affection. By this I mean we that we has a society, spend so much time focusing on only one type of love datz passion..
Love may be of any form, any time, any generation. It always served a purpose of living. love b/w parents & children, where parents devote with all love to bring up their children as best citizens. they give all love n bring them up as lovable & good persons not with hatred ness . Similarly b/w teachers towards students to make their life bright b/w leader & people, soldiers towards nation jus like loving your work gives you success? & Hate nothing.
Love makes all things bright & beautiful in one’s life, renwates life for ex: the well-known I.P.S Officer Kiran Bedi changed the world of many prisoners by her work. Their life changed. Love is a word with multiple expressions like if itz a food than itz like a feast, if itz a flower than itz like garden. Finally I love to say that its d best relation created on earth.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Medicine for swine flu(h1n1)
Here is a prescribed ayurvedic medicine for swine flu.which
is easy to prepare in home n use.
1. ingredients needded: water ,garlic,clove,hipaali(as in kannad language) honey bee.
Method: Make a paste of garlic(4 pisces not a whole garlic)
with clove(4 pisces).Take half a glass of water in a bowl
and mix the paste made and boil the water for few minutes
Now filter the above water into a glass and put half a
spoon of honey bee.
Drink when the water is warm only.
2. ingredients needded: water ,onion,basil leaves, garlic, clove,pepper.
Method: take onion(4-5 pisces)+basil leaves(4-5)+garlic(2-3)
clove(2-3)+pepper(4-5) in a bowl.smash and make a
paste.now take 1 glass of water ina bowl n mix this paste
and boil for few minutes. now filter the abovw water into
glass n add half a spoon of honey bee n drink.
Drinking this after food 3 times a day is effective.
This medicinal drinks are really very helpful .This prevents and even
eradiates if u have the swine flu. Even chewing clove is been
considerd good.
This is no near to gossip as itz been prescribed by a ayurvedic doctor
I think u already aware of the symptoms by now.Anyways they
are like this :fever,cough,headache,body ache,sore throat,runny
Take care of ur health and plz pass this msg to every one.....thank u.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Dr.Manmohan singh's resume
EDUCATION /Qualification:
1950: Stood first in BA (Hons), Economics, Punjab University, Chandigarh ,
1952; Stood first in MA (Economics), Punjab University , Chandigarh ,
1954; Wright's Prize for distinguished performance at St John's College, Cambridge,
1955 and 1957; Wren bury scholar, University of Cambridge ,
1957; D Phil ( Oxford ), DLitt (Honoris Causa); PhD thesis on India 's export competitiveness
OCCUPATION /Teaching Experience :
Professor (Senior lecturer, Economics, 1957-59;
Reader, Economics, 1959-63;
Professor, Economics, Punjab University , Chandigarh , 1963-65;
Professor, International Trade, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi,1969-71 ;
Honorary professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University ,New Delhi,1976 and Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi ,1996 and Civil Servant
Working Experience/ POSITIONS :
1971-72: Economic advisor, ministry of foreign trade
1972-76: Chief economic advisor, ministry of finance
1976-80: Director, Reserve Bank of India ;
Director, Industrial Development Bank of India;
Alternate governor for India, Board of governors, Asian Development Bank;
Alternate governor for India, Board of governors, BIRD
November 1976 - April 1980: Secretary, ministry of finance (Department of economic affairs);
Member, finance, Atomic Energy Commission; Member, finance, Space Commission
April 1980 - September 15, 1982 : Member-secretary, Planning Commission
1980-83: Chairman , India Committee of the Indo-Japan joint study committee
September 16, 1982 - January 14, 1985 : Governor, Reserve Bank of India .
1982-85: Alternate Governor for India , Board of governors, International Monetary Fund
1983-84: Member, economic advisory council to the Prime Minister
1985: President, Indian Economic Association
January 15, 1985 - July 31, 1987 : Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission
August 1, 1987 - November 10, 19! 90: Secretary-general and commissioner,
south commission, Geneva
December 10, 1990 - March 14, 1991 : Advisor to the Prime Minister on economic affairs
March 15, 1991 - June 20, 1991 : Chairman, UGC
June 21, 1991 - May 15, 1996 : Union finance minister
October 1991: Elected to Rajya Sabha from Assam on Congress ticket
June 1995: Re-elected to Rajya Sabha
1996 onwards: Member, Consultative Committee for the ministry of finance
August 1, 1996 - December 4, 1997: Chairman, Parliamentary standing committee on commerce
March 21, 1998 onwards: Leader of the Opposition, Rajya Sabha
June 5, 1998 onwards: Member, committee on finance
August 13, 1998 onwards: Member, committee on rules
Aug 1998-2001: Member, committee of privileges 2000 onwards: Member, executive committee, Indian parliamentary group
June 2001: Re-elected to Rajya Sabha
Aug 2001 onwards: Member, general purposes committee
India 's Export Trends and Prospects for Self-Sustained Growth -
Clarendon Press, Oxford University , 1964; also published a large number of articles in various economic journals.
Adam Smith Prize, University of Cambridge , 1956
Padma Vibhushan, 1987
Euro money Award, Finance Minister of the Year, 1993;
Asia money Award, Finance Minister of the Year for Asia, 1993 and 1994
1966: Economic Affairs Officer
1966-69: Chief, financing for trade section, UNCTAD
1972-74: Deputy for India in IMF Committee of Twenty on
International Monetary Reform
1977-79: Indian delegation to Aid-India Consortium Meetings
1980-82: Indo-Soviet joint planning group meeting
1982: Indo-Soviet monitoring group meeting
1993: Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting Cyprus 1993: Human Rights World Conference, Vienna
Gymkhana Club, New Delhi; Life Member, India International Centre,
New Delhi
Name: Dr Manmohan Singh
DOB: September 26, 1932
Place of Birth: Gah ( West Punjab )
Father: S. Gurmukh Singh
Mother: Mrs Amrit Kaur
Married on: September 14, 1958
Wife: Mrs Gursharan Kaur
Children: Three daughters
Our Indian Prime Minister seems to be the most qualified PM all over the world...

Monday, June 1, 2009
Late reaction for the humanism.
Know the racist effect. the government felt sorry and apologized too late .in my words I really feel it was a late reaction for the humanism. Be it an Indian, Italian or anyone but they are human beings.
Their exists a racist minded and non racist minded people all over the world but the strict laws and friendly government can really put up the
Racism. Australia, which was one of the favorite destinations, now has changed its image in people’s mind. No one likes to stay in a place
Where there is no value or respect for his or her life. I feel sorry for the victim umm….victims over there.. Hope government thinks people are humans first and then the citizens. Itz so dismay to watch that its been repeated and government doing nothing.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sign Petition to Declare Pak a Terrorist state
the target is 1000000..those u wish to declare it plz go to the below site n sign the petition.
< href="http://www.gopetition.com/sign.php?petid=416 ">
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Setting love limits.
His relation nearly spoiled when he got frustrated by her calls or of any decisions to stay only with her, her anger when not answered to her, her doubt ness,,,etc.
Anything on earth is bonded by love. Especially we human beings express it many ways. As people differ even their expressing style or love attitude to
differ. Some stay compassionate and some possessive. Being possessive makes uncomfortable and unfriendly to live in relation.
Possessive is where you like to stay bonded completely with ur love. This creates environment just like a prison being held.
Many have Possessiveness nature this might b’coz of fear of losing them or any other thing. Possessive is like being with them all-time or
staying in touch at every minute. This makes relation suffocating and people become more tended to move off. ya being in love too much is also a type of possessiveness
But this only creates chances to move apart., so don’t become possessive or try to avoid it cause keeping it away will not let u apart but bring the bond of love more closer.
Keep your love life happy, make them feel free to express their feelings. And be social as they were. Don’t limit their friendliness or bond them or restrict to be within…ya love life is not a cakewalk yet by not being possessive u feel great enjoying your life.

Sunday, May 3, 2009
MF Hussain draws paintings depicting Hindu Gods and Goddesses in sexual positions (which relations are not borne out by ancient texts at all).
Naked Bharatmata - Hussain has shown naked woman with names of states written on different parts of her body. He has used Ashok Chakra, Tri-colour in the painting. By doing this he has violated law & hurt National Pride of Indians. Both these things should be of grave concern to every Indian irrespective of his religion.
Out of the four leaders, M. Gandhi is decapitated and Hitler is naked. Hussain hates Hitler and has said in an interview 8 years ago that he has depicted Hitler naked to humiliate him and as he deserves it ! How come Hitler's nudity cause humiliation when in Hussain's own statement nudity in art depicts purity and is in fact an honour! This shows Hussain's perversion and hypocrisy.
He has no thoughts that his paintings are hurting feelings of thousands of people. I don’t like to see so badly and disrespectful paintings of my god whom I worship nor any one on world like so…..watch the paintings and decide…………

Goddess Durga in sexual union with Tiger .

Prophet's Daughter Fatima fully clothed .

Goddess Lakshmi naked on Shree Ganesh's head .

M.F. Hussain's Mother fully clothed.

Naked Saraswati .

Mother Teresa fully clothed .

Naked Shri Parvati .

Hussain's Daughter well clothed .

Naked Draupadi.

Well clothed Muslim Lady.

Naked Lord Hanuman and Goddess Sita sitting on thigh of Ravana .

Muslim poets Faiz, Galib are shown well-clothed .Full Clad Muslim King and naked Hindu Brahmin. The above painting clearly indicates Hussain's tendency to paint any Hindu as naked and thus his hatred.

Naked Bharatmata - Hussain has shown naked woman with names of states written on different parts of her body. He has used Ashok Chakra, Tri-colour in the painting. By doing this he has violated law & hurt National Pride of Indians. Both these things should be of grave concern to every Indian irrespective of his religion.

Out of the four leaders, M. Gandhi is decapitated and Hitler is naked. Hussain hates Hitler and has said in an interview 8 years ago that he has depicted Hitler naked to humiliate him and as he deserves it ! How come Hitler's nudity cause humiliation when in Hussain's own statement nudity in art depicts purity and is in fact an honour! This shows Hussain's perversion and hypocrisy.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
self centered,Love them Anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of
selfish ulterior motives.Do good Anyway.
If your successful,you win false friends
and true enemies.Succeed Anyway.
The good you do today will be
forgotten tomorrow.Do good Anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable
be honest and frank Anyway.
People favor under dogs but follow only
top dogs.Fight for underdogs Anyway.
what you spend years building may
be destroyed overnight.build Anyway.
People really need help but may attack
you if you help them.Help people Anyway.
Give the world the best you have
and you will get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you can Anyway...
I read this in an quote poster displayed on wall in ma computer class,and felt really like a fact of this world and yet to stay optimistic in our life.

Saturday, April 18, 2009
There are work at home opportunities abounding these days. You can do data entry, fill out surveys, or do direct selling, just to name a few.
The biggest part of having a home business is advertising. You have to get a person's attention in order to get them to buy your product or products. Advertising is a very challenging part of the internet, because the internet is so big.
If you are considering a home business, do not take for-granted your advertising efforts. This will be your biggest challenge. Once you figure out your strategy for advertising, your next step will be to promote your products.
Some advertising gets to be very expensive, but if you learn a few secrets of the internet, you can soon start to sell your products without spending a fortune on advertising.
Some of the advertising areas I have found are: search engines, links to directories, classified ads, e-mailing, ezine articles, and forums. The more links to your products, the better.
If you are thinking about starting a home business, I wish you well! It is a learning process. I have found several companies that can help you get started. They will help you with the secrets necessary to be successful.
It takes time to become successful, but determination will help you succeed!Good Luck.
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Big money is waiting for you. Join all the sites and start earn.
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Thursday, April 9, 2009
varun gandhi
Varun Gandhi said that he will slash of the hands in his speech. why did he say that did any one know????? Do you think he literally meant it
, I don’t think so…he just said that in anger coz reason was so. Before he presided over to the function, he met people over there. they said all their grief and they cried saying they were helpless when women being over here are raped brutally by the muslins and that they couldn’t do anything.
In that anger he said those words,. now arrested n all cases are being pored upon him, but what about the police, politicians of that area
Who made this people helpless and suffer.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
our minds n toughts

Beauty lies in the seer’s eyes. Going on the same thought I like to say the incident that might change the way we see or think….
It was a pleasant evening. A saint was walking around the village and when he came across a riverside the scene took him aback.
He saw a boy carrying a girl back of him and he used stop a while place the girl on the ground and used to press her legs against his hands
The saint felt awkward seeing this. The boy had something mud pots like tied around his waist. He used to drink something from that and used to move ahead carrying the girl. The saint took it be the alcohol (as usually they are served in mud pots). The saint really felt disgusting to see this n went around to call the village heads .he got people together n complained against the boy and his acts. Suddenly the group of children’s crossing the river was got caught in the currents of water and were getting drouned.the boy who saw this ran to help them and brought them to banks safely. People who saw him helping also saw what the saint told them and were confused, they went towards him.
Some people scolded too badly and some went to beat him than they asked why was he doing like that. The boy than replied that
He was carrying his sister to the hospital. She had partial loss of sense in her legs due to paralysis and they were paining, so he used to place her on the ground and press her legs to lessen the pain .as they were poor n was attacked by disease no one came forward to provide vehicle to move to hospital. So I carried her. I was drinking water and nothing else. Thinking of not getting water by the people I carried it from my home to have in my journey. The people felt bad hearing this especially the saint. Being the saint he had no good vision
towards them.
Just like a saint people may be good enough from outside or have a good looks on them but all it matters is the inner thoughts, pure hearts, the clean thoughts. What you see is personally what is within you and what is you. Let your thoughts be cleaned and filled with happiness. As the saying goes “Your soul is dyed by the color of your thoughts”.s.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Ramachandra guruji

The founder of Spiritual Solutions Centre Shri Ramachandra Guruji believes in " HEAL, LOVE and SERVE".
he says “ Rise up to the challenge of the deeper truths of life
in your journey to healing and self-discovery "
- Sri. Ramachandra Guruji.
Spiritual Solutions Centre is a NGO founded by Sri Ramachandra Guruji.
Anything divine is always simple. Sri Ramachndra Guruji believes in simple living and high thinking.
He is the recipient of the “Seva Ratna” award from the National Council of Alternative Medicine, Bangalore.
Guruji’s simple message of love, practical wisdom and compassion continues to inspire people universally irrespective of caste, creed, cult, color or sex.
guruji is doing great..he simply gives you the solution for the most of ur problems with such a simple ways and increase Ur confidence.guruji has till now healed thousands of people all around the world and have thought many
students ,people about the power that lies within them self to make their life successful.

guruji is a simple man staying in banglore.the organisation has offered many services for the people.guruji helps you know your past life wid ease.
Sri Ramachandra Guruji conducts personal counseling for your personal and
psychosomatic diseases such as Headaches, Back pain..etc.The organisation website is-- href="http://www.spiritualsolutions.ind.cc/">
watch out is Pranayama,Meditation,Self - Hypnosis and other videos.
1. YouTube - Prajna
Pranayama by Ramachandra Guruji
Dec 29, 2008 … Prajna Pranayama by Ramachandra Guruji. Recorded
in California.More details in
2. YouTube - Shri
Ramachandra Guruji
The founder of Spiritual
Solutions Centre Shri Ramachandra Guruji
believes in "
HEAL, LOVE and SERVE". He says "Rise up to the challenge of the deeper truths of life
in your journey to healing and self-discovery "
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
unforgettable helps.
As it was a weekend afternoon there were quite a few people around. Me planning of having a hot things to eat and was moving .all of a sudden my all plans changed, I suddenly met with an accident so badly that I was dragged badly with my vehicle for a distance. I just couldn’t make myself to get up
And the people over their came to my help. I couldn’t help saying anything. My leg was badly wounded n I couldn’t walk. An aged person helped me n Made me sit aside, parked my vehicle aside and came towards me with those large glassed eyes. He was around my grand fathers age.
My leg n hands were badly bleeding. He so caringly did first aid n was so sweet in consoling. The other person over there called me n took to hospital n informed my parents. I was so glad that they helped like my closed one’s.
I thank those people n god that I was not left alone in that lonely place. I feel sad that I couldn’t say thanks for those kind-hearted people.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Belief is the most essential thing in our life might be in relation or career. Belif is what makes u confident &different from the weak. Do believe urself & you can achieve milestones. It is
the source within urself to achieve. Here are few example..
At the age of 21,he was diagnosed with a bad case of sclerosis & a ruptured disc. The doctor told him that he could never be an actor, he could never dance, never job, double thumb.
For one & half year he was completely sedentary. He was advised to change his career plans. Then one fine day, he got up & realized, that defeat was not for him. His belief in himself &
He told himself “ You don’t have to see to believe something rather you have to believe to see something”, and miracles happened in his life & he emerged as a phoenix out of the ashes
He acclaimed a stupendous rise from cracking downfall.
He is hazel –eyed star with bulking biceps ”Hritik roshan “who was even called film actor of his generation.
v There was a very poor family run by mother alone, who was a housemaid. Husband had died. She had a son who was suffering from rickets. His legs & hands were thin, swelled stomach & he has to move through crawling. He was a die-hard fan of football. Once a football tournament was conducted in his neighbor village. He reached there with difficulty
After the match he went on to one of the famous football player of time & wished to have a snap. He said that he has
Each & every record of his shots. He was pulling the player legs again & again to say something. Angered by this he scolds the boy badly, boy replied only one thing “I will break your records”. Player got astonished with does words & starred
At the ugly looking, handicapped boy.
Later the boy did as he told, he was none other than “O.J.Simpson”.
- Bill Rosenberg had to quit school at age of 14 to help feed his parents. He went out to found dunkin donuts & worked
Hard & later sold it for millions of dollars.
- Sick & both leg paralyzed Franklin D Roosevelt became the president of America.
- Both legs struck with polio Malathi holla has got 150 gold medals in table tennis, discus throw.
Don’t quit when you meet with failure. Believe in yourself…friends
All The Best.!!!

Friday, January 30, 2009
a poem to my friend..........

The journey of life was
As pleasant as the breeze,
As colorful as flower
And spirited as that of chirping sound.
Life was as fresh and tender as green field
Within which the fresh air
Circled like sweet memories of life.
Flowers in the field gloomed n danced
To the waves of wind remembering me
The joy n spirit of youth.
Dreams were clear
As clear as way ahead
Thou sun set
Dreams didn’t let.
Just like a dawn of every day
Came a dawn, which vanished
The smooth love filled journey
To the tragic one.
It was the day
Which took my friend away
Too far to a place which I don’t
Meet till end of my life.
A friend who was always ready to talk
With pretty smile….
Who was there when I talked of that extra mile.
Who laughed with me, on every
Little thing,
Who patted me whether I failed or won.
Who used to pull pranks on
Each other ,argue n fight, but
Who didn’t really mind.
Who cheered me when things went wrong.
Gave a hug n shoulder to lean on.
My friend with whom I shared the
Innermost thoughts, secrets,
Hopes n desires.
With whom my sorrows I had lent
On whom I relayed
And to me who didn’t lie
I lost a gem of my life
As bright as sun
As inspiring as success
An unfulfilled promise one.
At to this moment I passed
The best n worst sequence
Of my life.
N alas left alone in the journey of my life
With treasured evergreen memories
I need a true friend like her