Sunday, April 19, 2009


People are unreasonable, illogical and
self centered,Love them Anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of
selfish ulterior motives.Do good Anyway.
If your successful,you win false friends
and true enemies.Succeed Anyway.
The good you do today will be
forgotten tomorrow.Do good Anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable
be honest and frank Anyway.
People favor under dogs but follow only
top dogs.Fight for underdogs Anyway.
what you spend years building may
be destroyed Anyway.
People really need help but may attack
you if you help them.Help people Anyway.
Give the world the best you have
and you will get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you can Anyway...

I read this in an quote poster displayed on wall in ma computer class,and felt really like a fact of this world and yet to stay optimistic in our life.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Would you like to have a home business? A lot of us would like to be our own boss. There are so many opportunities to work at home today, but how do we know where to start?

There are work at home opportunities abounding these days. You can do data entry, fill out surveys, or do direct selling, just to name a few.

The biggest part of having a home business is advertising. You have to get a person's attention in order to get them to buy your product or products. Advertising is a very challenging part of the internet, because the internet is so big.

If you are considering a home business, do not take for-granted your advertising efforts. This will be your biggest challenge. Once you figure out your strategy for advertising, your next step will be to promote your products.

Some advertising gets to be very expensive, but if you learn a few secrets of the internet, you can soon start to sell your products without spending a fortune on advertising.

Some of the advertising areas I have found are: search engines, links to directories, classified ads, e-mailing, ezine articles, and forums. The more links to your products, the better.

If you are thinking about starting a home business, I wish you well! It is a learning process. I have found several companies that can help you get started. They will help you with the secrets necessary to be successful.

It takes time to become successful, but determination will help you succeed!Good Luck.

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

varun gandhi

He is in all hype for his speech. Now any can say who is varun Gandhi. What exactly he said or what he wanted to mean.
Varun Gandhi said that he will slash of the hands in his speech. why did he say that did any one know????? Do you think he literally meant it
, I don’t think so…he just said that in anger coz reason was so. Before he presided over to the function, he met people over there. they said all their grief and they cried saying they were helpless when women being over here are raped brutally by the muslins and that they couldn’t do anything.
In that anger he said those words,. now arrested n all cases are being pored upon him, but what about the police, politicians of that area
Who made this people helpless and suffer.